Pentence Sui'ater, Architect ( guild master) of The Gilded Cloaks Trade Co., cartographer of the Darkon Crownlands. I bid you all a warm greeting. Our trade company wishes to see what this new found realm has to offer. We have traveled the seas and lands always looking for new places to setup trade routes and enterprises. We are host to many craftsmen and skilled laborers. From humble scribes, cartographers, and bookbinders to alchemists, carpenters, and smiths of all kinds! One of our ships is looking to take a small contingent of our people to make inroads at this Bazaar we have heard so much about. We are looking to see if this land could be profitable for us. I myself am seeking to scout this land as leader of the company. I was debating setting up shop or aiding another to get the lay of these foreign lands. Please feel free to reach out to me if you have need of a skilled carpenter, cartographer or ranger. I may yet bring some of my own wares as well if any seek trade. So look out for our seal on items. Best regards
Pentence Sui'ater
Some examples of what we do. Potions, chests, shelves, boxes, books, scroll cases you name it! We also have a local seamstress and a few of her apprentices!

Quite intriguing (I like the sound of these trades and that oil lamp looks good too)! Will this company be setting up shop at one of the competing camps or will they be established members of the Bazaar?