Hi, I'm Rafi, and I'll be playing Ludomik at Drachenfest. I only just got around to making an introduction, but better late than never I guess. First things first, I'm a member of the Green camp, don't let the gambeson fool you.
Ludomik is a former mercenary wanderer that fell in with a group of Robin Hood type merry men called the White Ravens about 3 or 4 years back. After the leader of that group saved his life, Ludomik fought alongside the White Ravens for the equivalent of the Green camp at Castle Forged, a Drachenfest type event in Israel. Though he had finally found a family, the mists called Ludomik back west, back to the lands he came from. Thus, Ludomik wandered again until the mists called him to fight again in defense of the wild and nature.
Ludomik is a gruff warrior type with a heart of gold, equally at home on the battlefield as in a drinking contest or flyting. Although he may look tough, Ludomik is always happy to show a newer fighter the ropes and go through some drills, so feel free to come up and introduce yourselves.
A little about me (Rafi). I've been involved in medieval reenactment all my life (my dad is an armorer) and started LARPing 4 years ago, at an Israeli festival LARP (Castle Forged). I can't wait to fight for the wild and for freedom!