Hey everyone! My name's Micah and I've been LARPing for about 5 years. I run a Changeling the Dreaming LARP in Maryland and have become a regular player at Dammerung. For Drachenfest I'm thinking of bringing back a younger version of my Dammerung character, Sir Tristram son of Willhelm of House Somerset.
He will be joining the Silver Camp. Tristram is a naive and self-righteous young knight who has yet to prove himself but believes he can do anything. He is out to find a Grail or some other holy relic that he could bring back to his struggling homelands that would keep them safe and prosperous. He's also seeking a noble lady to pledge himself to, as every good knight should be the champion of a lady.
If you're interested in making antagonistic, friendly, or romantic ties with a brash young knight, let me know!
Tristram's back! Last year Tristram arrived in the Dragon World with no sword but oddly he did have a tent with a shrine to the Measure, the Avatar of Juve, God of Light. He pledged to the Silver Dragon as the embodiment the Light and a representation of Juve, and Tristram became one of his champions. He joined the Fighter's Guild, who embraced him as a brother and even gave him a sword to use in the tournament and the great battle. He made many new friends and he fell in love. But in the end he had to go back to his own world, where all this was largely forgotten. A lot happened in his world in the past year: he overthrew a tyrant, fought many monsters and helped liberate his mother's people, but he also suffered heartbreak and betrayal that left him filled with shame and questioning his right to claim to be a Champion of the Light. Message me if you're you're interested in establishing or negotiating any ties with Tristram prior go game. See you all in the Dragon World. For the Light! 💖PLOT BEATS & WHAT IM UP FOR:
🔅Help curing his prejudice against non-humans.
🔅Help getting over his shame and self-hatred over his failure to live up to his ideals.
🔅Learning more about other worlds.
🔅Religious discussions in which Tristram tries to get others to become followers of Juve/The Silver Dragon
🔅Becoming more involved with diplomacy between the camps
🔅People trying to get Tristram to loosen up and enjoy himself
@mayhawk !!! Very excited to talk Grail stuff with you 🤣
Omg, someone from Maryland! Would love to know about the LARP you run
Welcome Micah! I am in no way surprised that Tristram is joining silver camp. You'll fit right in. :)