Greetings to you all, with your various backgrounds and occupations. I am Selenite, here at the service of the Silver Dragons whims and wishes. Although, I must say, going from crystalline to corporeal is a fascinating delight. It would be a pity if I did not use the time to roam, letting my ears, eyes, and feet guide me to where seems most decadent.
Now, tell me, dear friend, how might I be of service?

~~~ Hey! I'm Elaine, she/her, a returning US Drachenfestie. Last year's game was AMAZING but there's always room for improvement.
This year, I'd really like to interact more with camp RP, the guilds, and lavish about in game to down time activities such as going to tea parties or fancy balls. I *WILL NOT* set up a hammock between two trees and offer water to a passerby (editted with staff update about the trees). I will offer a palm reading where I'll tell you what your rodent line is. Perhaps read your cards and provide clarity to what troubles you. Wander the woods, humming eerily sweet tunes to the stars. Probably then becoming the product of a witch hunt as my vibes could easily be mistaken for a witch (more like a suave wizard with the heart of a rakish knight). Definitely down to brawl although I may need some practice throwing fake punches and hamming up a scene. Just be careful if you challenge me to a duel. My biggest goal is to get the song below circulated within camp Silver as our marching into battle song. If not, I'm perfectly fine using it as my chant for the Energy Field spell. I encourage any and everyone to learn it! Let's connect! I will be flying into PA a bit too early for build (my flight comes in on Sunday June 18th in the morning), so if there's anyone in the Pittsburgh area that I could crash with and catch a ride to site for build team Monday morning, I would be most appreciative. Peace, love, and rock n' roll! ✌🤟🤘

Please have a reason to swing by the Bazaar, the Brass Brigade, or any of our functions, I'm sure it will make for an awesome time!
Rock on ✌️🤝🤟
ERMRGRD I get to see you again!!!
*cue 10 minutes of excited squee*