We are proud to release the DrachenFest-US 2023 Rulebook! We’d like to thank everybody that filled out post-event surveys last year, your feedback guided our revisions.
Here's a link to the 2023 Rulebook
These are the changes from the 2022 rulebook:
Clarified wording throughout the text
Added safety requirements for crossbows (ie Power Stroke)
Codified errata from last year: all Healer-Role characters can perform surgery scenes which restore 1hp / 5 min. If your specialty is surgery, you can restore 2hp / 5 min.
The Crafter job “Locksmith” was changed into “Engineer”. Engineers can build locks for IG containers, repair camp gates, supervise war machine crews, and evaluate the quality of enemy gates (after a brief spying scene). Details about gate repairs and spying will be found in the upcoming War Book.
Theft and Stealing section updated: instead of stamps, we’ll mark stealable items using Loot Stickers, and in-game containers using a Chest sticker. Anyone can designate a box as an in-game container, but if you want it sealed, you’ll need an Engineer to craft a lock for it.
Searching another player now takes a maximum of 60 seconds, rather than exactly 60 seconds.
Changed the Cure Poison spell into Delay Poison. This makes poison scarier, and makes crafted antidotes and Leech characters more valuable.
Added the Surgeon’s Guild and Bard’s Guild to the guild list
Clarified the nature of progression & pace of getting guild skills (no more than 1 per year!)
Added the term “Guild Training”, a small ability you can learn from a guild without blocking you from learning a Guild Skill. There are only a few of these.
Added rules for children & noncombatants
Revised & expanded the dictionary of game calls